Usb To Pc Failed To Disable Rndis To Use Serial
Problem connecting to a beaglebone black through USB. How can i disable the windows usb. See under 'Other Devices' RNDIS and under 'Ports' 'USB Serial.
No, that didn't help.
The problem is with the step that requires me to use the 'USB to PC' application, I can not switch the device out of the 'Enable advanced network functionality' mode. I receive a 'Failed to disable RNDIS to use Serial.' error message.
The USB modem connection will not work while RNDIS is enabled evidently.
I have the 8525 working as a modem over both IRDA and Bluetooth already. (Amazing how much faster BT is than IRDA)
I want a USB tethered solution so the phone charges from the laptop while being used as a modem. IRDA is difficult because of the positional dependency for the IR ports, and my laptop doesn't have integrated BT and I find the USB BT dongle inconvienent. I carry a USB cable for charging and syncing already... might as well use it for modem connectivity too. IF I can get this 8525 out of RNDIS mode.
Is it possible that there an application installed / running on my device that is preventing the OS from switching from RNDIS to Serial?
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I have both Cingular's Xpress Mail and GoodTechnology's GoodLink services running.

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