Physics Investigatory Projects For Class 12 Cbse Free Download On Logic Gates

Hi Friends, I am sharing my brothers CBSE Class 12 Physics projects on the topic - Logic Gates. This is a detailed project report submitted by him in.
04-16-2017, 01:59 AM
Physics Investigatory Projects For Class 12 Cbse Free Download On Logic Gates
Physics Investigatory Project Topic
Selective Isolation and Manipulation
Semiclassical Method to Predict Helium
Across the Universe
Cosmic Ray Shower Array Reconstruction
Cold Nuclear Fusion
Brass Instruments and Artificial Lips
Analysis of Black Hole Thermodynamics
181.4 C in the Sun
AC Transformer
Analysis of Voice Frequency across Ethnic Identities
Zero Gravity Elevator Experiment
Voltage Regulator Using Zener Diode
Using Sound to Measure Temperature
To Study the Variation of Electrical Resistance
To Determining the Time Constant for an RC Circuit
To Demonstrate the Production of Induced EAIF
To Demonstrate The Phenomenon Of Total Interval Reflection
To Calculate the Specific Heat Capacity of Water
The Solar Heating and Night Cooling of Surfaces
The Most Efficient Automobile Sunshade
The Liquid Lens
Study of Diffusion of Solids in Liquids
Refractive Indices of Water And Turpentine Oil
Study of Constituents of Alloys
Make a Telescope
Logic Gate
Investigate the Relation between Output and Input Voltage
How Fish Achieve Neutral Buoyancy
Electronic Eye
A Dying Star
Analysis of Voice Frequency across Ethnic Identities
A New Perspective with a Digital Pinhole
Are There More Cosmic Rays at Higher Altitudes
Chill Out
Does Horizontal Speed Help
Effect of a Magnetic Field and Applied Voltage
Effects of Rotational Inertia on a Fastball
Evaporation Sensation
Glassic Music
Glassic Music
How Do Varying Amplitudes
Marco Polo
Mechanical Exfoliation
Photoelectrochemical Cell
Photometric Study of Eclipsing Binary Stars
Proving Universal Gravitation by Warping Space-Time
Reflections on Reflection
Relativistic Stress
Rubens Tube
Seeing Through the Haze
Sink or Float
Solar Cells
Study of the Effect of the Curvature of Spacetime
Testing Gas Laws
The Mathematics of Sympathetic Vibrations
The Metal Meltdown
Tricky Curie
Which Diameter String Has the Purest Tone
Will a Guitar String Vibrate Forever
Effectiveness of Recycled Materials as Thermal Insulation
Creating Sound with Heat
Quantifying the Effect of Skyglow on the Visibility of Stars
Frequency Relationship of Notes in Musical Harmony
Radioactive Attenuation and the Inverse Square Law
Densitys Effect on Amplitude
Does the Rate of Heating Have an Affinity for Salinity
Testing Sound Decay in Different Gasses
Direct Solar Pool Heater
Count on Calories
The Focalization of Sound
Tempest in a Teacup
Safely Thawing Meat Used while Backpacking
Determining the Type of Particle in an Air Sample
Doppler Effect and the Fiber Gyroscope
This is certify that Dharmananda Haripal has Satisfactory completed the project in biology Prescribed by CBSE course in the lab Of this vidyalaya in the year 2017-18
Date charge
Teacher in
Submitted for the Practical Examination in Held on Teacher
I am thankful to S.K.Mohanta (PGT BIOLOGY),JNV NARLA for providing necessary usefull guideness and suggestions in the selection for the project works and its completion. I must be thanksful to Mr. GVS Babu (Principal of JNV Narla) for his useful suggestion from time to time. I extend my thanks to Mr. Bhoi Lab. Attendant JNV NARLA for providing the essential material for the project. I could get the materials and guidelines from the Library of JNV NARLA. So I am thanking to Mr.R.Sika, Librarian, JNV Narla who provided me the facilities. I am also Highly grateful to my deep friends for their encouraging support for the completion of this Project Work.
Guided by-
Dharmananda Haripal
S .Mohanta
Class XII(science)
(PGT Biology)
The process of DNA fingerprinting was invented by Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester in 1985. He was knighted in 1994. DNA fingerprinting or DNA profiling, any of several similar techniques for analyzing and comparing DNA from separate sources, used especially in law enforcement to identify suspects from hair, blood, semen, or other biological materials found at the scene of a violent crime. It depends on the fact that no two people, save identical twins, have exactly the same DNA sequence, and that although only limited segments of a person's DNA are scrutinized in the procedure, those segments will be statistically unique.
History of DNA Fingerprinting Up to 1984, the only method of establishing and authenticating personal identification was by the fingerprint process. DNA fingerprinting technique was devised in 1985 by Alec Jeffrey at University of Leicester in England, while working on the sequences within myoglobin gene.
What is DNA Fingerprinting ? It is a technique, by which an individual can be identified at molecular level. With the advancement of science and technology STR analysis has become very popular in forensic laboratories. Scientists have chosen repeating sequences in the DNA, which are present in all individuals on different chromosomes, and are known to vary from individual to individual except in identical twins. These are used as genetic markers to identify the Individual.
DNA fingerprinting technology DNA fingerprinting technology has made it possible to identify the source of biological samples found at scenes of crime. This will resolve disputes of maternity /paternity, identification of mutilated remains, identification of rape/ murder, identification of missing child, exchange of babies in hospital wards, forensic wildlife, protection of farmers rights and biodiversity. This remarkable technology provides exclusion as well as positive identification with virtually 100% precision.
Biological Material Used for DNA fingerprinting Blood Hair Saliva Semen Body tissue cells DNA samples have been obtained from vaginal cells transferred to the outside of a condom during sexual intercourse.
Stage Of DNA Fingerprinting • Cells broken down to release DNA
• DNA strands cut into fragments • Fragments separated • Pattern of fragments analysed
DNA fingerprinting: Methods A common procedure for DNA fingerprinting is restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). In this method,DNA is extracted from a sample and cut into segments using special restriction enzymes. RFLP focuses on contain sequences of repeated DNA bases, which vary widely from person to person. The segments are separated using a laboratory technique called electrophoresis, which sorts the fragments by length. The segments are radioactively tagged to produce a visual pattern known as an autoradiograph, or DNA fingerprint, on X-ray film. A newer method known as short tandem repeats (STR) analyzes DNA segments for the number of repeats at 13 specific DNA sites. The chance of misidentification in this procedure is one in several billion. Yet another process, polymerase chain reaction , is used to produce multiple copies of segments from a very limited amount of DNA (as little as 50 molecules), enabling a DNA fingerprint to be made from a single hair. Once a sufficient sample has been produced, the pattern of the alleles (see genetics ) from a limited number of genes is compared with the pattern from the reference sample. A nonmatch is conclusive, but the technique provides less certainty when a match occurs.
DNA fingerprinting: Applications DNA fingerprinting can be applied in the following scenarios: Establishment of paternity and Maternity Establishment of the parentage for child swapping cases Establish the identity of the rapist in rape cases Identification of mutilated remains In murder, bomb blast, air crashes etc. Wild life identification, and Seed authentication.
In conclusion, while evidences can be tampered with and witnesses can turn hostile, DNA will never lie. It will indeed, unravel the truth even several decades after a crime has been committed. Such are the powers of DNA Fingerprinting.
This is certify that Dharmananda Haripal has Satisfactory completed the project in biology Prescribed by CBSE course in the lab Of this vidyalaya in the year 2017-18
Date charge
Teacher in
Submitted for the Practical Examination in Held on Teacher
I am thankful to S.K.Mohanta (PGT BIOLOGY),JNV NARLA for providing necessary usefull guideness and suggestions in the selection for the project works and its completion. I must be thanksful to Mr. GVS Babu (Principal of JNV Narla) for his useful suggestion from time to time. I extend my thanks to Mr. Bhoi Lab. Attendant JNV NARLA for providing the essential material for the project. I could get the materials and guidelines from the Library of JNV NARLA. So I am thanking to Mr.R.Sika, Librarian, JNV Narla who provided me the facilities. I am also Highly grateful to my deep friends for their encouraging support for the completion of this Project Work.
Guided by-
Dharmananda Haripal
S .Mohanta
Class XII(science)
(PGT Biology)
The process of DNA fingerprinting was invented by Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester in 1985. He was knighted in 1994. DNA fingerprinting or DNA profiling, any of several similar techniques for analyzing and comparing DNA from separate sources, used especially in law enforcement to identify suspects from hair, blood, semen, or other biological materials found at the scene of a violent crime. It depends on the fact that no two people, save identical twins, have exactly the same DNA sequence, and that although only limited segments of a person's DNA are scrutinized in the procedure, those segments will be statistically unique.
History of DNA Fingerprinting Up to 1984, the only method of establishing and authenticating personal identification was by the fingerprint process. DNA fingerprinting technique was devised in 1985 by Alec Jeffrey at University of Leicester in England, while working on the sequences within myoglobin gene.
What is DNA Fingerprinting ? It is a technique, by which an individual can be identified at molecular level. With the advancement of science and technology STR analysis has become very popular in forensic laboratories. Scientists have chosen repeating sequences in the DNA, which are present in all individuals on different chromosomes, and are known to vary from individual to individual except in identical twins. These are used as genetic markers to identify the Individual.
DNA fingerprinting technology DNA fingerprinting technology has made it possible to identify the source of biological samples found at scenes of crime. This will resolve disputes of maternity /paternity, identification of mutilated remains, identification of rape/ murder, identification of missing child, exchange of babies in hospital wards, forensic wildlife, protection of farmers rights and biodiversity. This remarkable technology provides exclusion as well as positive identification with virtually 100% precision.
Biological Material Used for DNA fingerprinting Blood Hair Saliva Semen Body tissue cells DNA samples have been obtained from vaginal cells transferred to the outside of a condom during sexual intercourse.
Stage Of DNA Fingerprinting • Cells broken down to release DNA
• DNA strands cut into fragments • Fragments separated • Pattern of fragments analysed
DNA fingerprinting: Methods A common procedure for DNA fingerprinting is restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). In this method,DNA is extracted from a sample and cut into segments using special restriction enzymes. RFLP focuses on contain sequences of repeated DNA bases, which vary widely from person to person. The segments are separated using a laboratory technique called electrophoresis, which sorts the fragments by length. The segments are radioactively tagged to produce a visual pattern known as an autoradiograph, or DNA fingerprint, on X-ray film. A newer method known as short tandem repeats (STR) analyzes DNA segments for the number of repeats at 13 specific DNA sites. The chance of misidentification in this procedure is one in several billion. Yet another process, polymerase chain reaction , is used to produce multiple copies of segments from a very limited amount of DNA (as little as 50 molecules), enabling a DNA fingerprint to be made from a single hair. Once a sufficient sample has been produced, the pattern of the alleles (see genetics ) from a limited number of genes is compared with the pattern from the reference sample. A nonmatch is conclusive, but the technique provides less certainty when a match occurs.
DNA fingerprinting: Applications DNA fingerprinting can be applied in the following scenarios: Establishment of paternity and Maternity Establishment of the parentage for child swapping cases Establish the identity of the rapist in rape cases Identification of mutilated remains In murder, bomb blast, air crashes etc. Wild life identification, and Seed authentication.
In conclusion, while evidences can be tampered with and witnesses can turn hostile, DNA will never lie. It will indeed, unravel the truth even several decades after a crime has been committed. Such are the powers of DNA Fingerprinting.